Jive Talk High Road

tackled attackled?
lied defied defiled
sublime time.
design, define.
just, must, always.
heydays, oldendays.
flyaways and always

any way
she goes,
always she goes,
sometimes she goes,
hopefully she goes,
maybe she goes,
i wonder if she goes,
the grey fray way?

say sister, where you been?
friend of mine?
of mankind?
end of time?
human race?
blankety face?
sour taste?
eternal waste?
yeah, how you been. old friend?

now some say she looks just like her father.
now some say she looks just like her ma.
now some say she looks just like another.
and some say she looks like none.

meanwhile, porch riding, stoop sifting
highbrowing, lowprofiling, deep digging,
kid of a gal of a gun.  work it girl.
road carver, artful dodger.
wee child of the sun.

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